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Old 04-03-16, 11:18 PM   #1
Adam Ef
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Default Shoulder checks and SV650s position

All my riding so far since getting my SV650s has been out on wide sweeping country roads... until today, when I had to head in to the city. To cut a long story short I was amazed how difficult I'm finding it to do decent shoulder checks when leant forward with the riding position low down on the clip ons. I had one moment where I went round a sharpish lefthand corner in the left hand (Bus, taxi, motorbike) lane and found an HGV parked up immediately in front of me blocking the whole lane on parked double yellows. I luckily managed to slow and nearly pulled out into the right hand lane to go around the HGV and glad I didn't as a car came past that I'd missed seeing as he was past the view point of my mirrors and I thought my shoulder check had let me see all alongside me. So, obviously my shoulder checks are not allowing me to see all of the mirror blind spots, no matter how much I strain to look around.

Checking left is ok as I can let left hand off the bars and sit up slightly, but if I do that with the right I let go of the throttle and would stop.

Does anyone have any tips?

When I first got the bike I had intended to get the top yoke conversion done, but gave the clip ons a chance and actually like the position when I'm doing 50mph+ on open non-city roads. But I do need to be able to get about the city safely too sometimes and came home today not having enjoyed the ride at all as I was straining to look around me and constantly worried I'd missed something. Now thinking maybe I need to sacrifice the decent faster riding position for using the bike to get about in city traffic safely and maybe do need to get the conversion done.
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