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Old 19-07-16, 03:15 PM   #18
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Default Re: Picked up my new SV yesterday.

Originally Posted by macamxthe1st View Post
Just been out for a run up here in the North Pennines. As I was just out to enjoy this glorious day and following some contribution's to this thread I road with economy as the priority for the first 50 miles, well cop for this 94.3 mpg honestly I kid you not. By the time the 50 miles came up Iwas losing the will to live but that is quite remarkable especially given the topography around here
Completed the rest of the ride normally 89 in total aversge 79 mpg. I reckon if I really tried I could get the significant 100 mpg. I may just try that some time when I am extremely bored.
you must be doing your calculations wrong.

brim your tank then clear both your trip meters.

ride the bike then brim your tank again. write down your trip mileage on the petrol receipt (always ask for a receipt with the litres on it). if your out for the day and cover more than one tank of petrol you need to keep all the receipts but dont reset the trip meter, or take advantage of the double meter and only reset (A). before you know you are going to go home on your last fill up you write down the (B) trip meter mileage on your last receipt. once you have written down your total mileage and you know your going home reset your trip meters for the next time.

once you are home take the receipts and write down the total amount of litres from all receipts.

calculation is: mileage / litre x 4.546 = MPG
total mileage divided by litres = ?? this gives MPL (Miles Per Litre)

you then take your MPL from above and multiply by 4.546 = MPG

you then take your MPL and multiply by the capacity of your tank = MPT (Miles Per Tank) so you know how far you can go on one tank full.

having two trip meters available lets you use (A) for tank range and (B) for total mileage of day/week.

i have been keeping a spreadsheet of my fuel usage since 27/05/2011
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