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Old 11-12-16, 05:55 PM   #4
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Default Re: First SV fall - repair questions

Twice in the last couple of years I have had people walk out into path of my car while too engrossed in their phone, one was a teenage girl, just as I was exiting an island on a dual carriageway (wasn't even on a zebra crossing) screeched to a stop and tooted horn, got a raised middle finger for saving her from a trip to hospital or worse. Second one also on a main road, managed to stop car ok. Would not have been so easy to stop a bike, especially if road wet. Wearing earphones when jogging, riding a cycle or even walking is not a good idea as you effectively lose the use of one of your senses.

Don't know how you go about getting money back from these morons - did the perpetrator just walk away after causing this accident ?
2016 SV650 AL7

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain
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