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Old 23-01-17, 10:46 AM   #2141
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Default Re: Smile of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by SV650rules View Post
True, gamblers are always happy to tell people about their wins, but not about their losses. I knew a bloke who lost his house due to his wifes gambling, she had been given treatment / therapy and they thought she was cured but never underestimate the guile and deceit of people with an addiction.
I worked with a lad who got addicted. It ended up that he'd ask colleagues for money as he was so in debt, even those of us he wasn't that close to. His land line was constantly ringing with debt collection agencies. In the end he was let go by the company as he was always ringing in sick when he'd been up all night gambling, and eventually stole stuff from work to sell to pay for more gambling. Work tried to help him initially but it didn't work. It was a real shame as he was a nice lad at heart, he fixed Chris8886's laptop for him and refused any payment as he did in in his lunch hour with his managers' approval. Sadly I suspect he'll always have a problem and it was one long downward spiral.

My only addiction are Mini Eggs. The good thing is they are only on sale Jan - Easter so I have an enforced cold turkey every year. I basically use the confectionery equivalent of methadone to ease myself off them - which is Maltesers.
Tender is the day, The demons go away, Lord I need to find, Someone who can heal my mind...
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