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Old 22-02-17, 01:59 PM   #2241
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Default Re: Smile of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by daktulos View Post

Oh wow!
That was way over the line there.

And here my friends is where there is a striking difference between where I live and the rest off the world.

If I had been the bloke on the bike I would have got off pulled him half out of the window and beat the ****e
out of him with no consequences from the law.

If you plan on inappropriately touching or hitting a female make sure there is no one in the room from the US
who considers themselves a 'Southern Gentleman'.
We will defend a ladies honour to the death. Laws or no laws.

Fortunately I've always been one of those 'speak softly and carry a big stick' sort.
(they don't call me BanannaMan for nothing you know)

The last person who hit a young lady in front of me was at a Boston concert.
Some drugged out punk was pushing people towards the stage when a young girl standing next to me turned around
and told him to stop. He (closed fist) backhanded her across the face as hard as he could but left himself open for a right
uppercut so I hit him as hard as I could just for good measure.

He was knocked out and I watched as all his teeth fell out while he was falling to the floor.
Turns out security had been watching him from the stage.
I was pointed out as who hit him when the Police came to drag him off so and thanked they me for "taking care of the problem".

I probably would not fair as well with the laws in the UK, but it wouldn't change anything, that's something you think about after the fact.

It's something that has been so ingrained in our traditions for so long it's not even something you think about ,
it's how you react when you see a lady being treated that way.

May not be politically correct in today's society but it's the one American trait I make no apologies for.
Defending a woman's honour is part of what it means to be a gentleman.

Good on the girl for ripping the mirror off!!
In a perfect world he would be convicted of assault but I doubt reporting this would have gone far.

"The Mountains are calling and I must go"

Last edited by BanannaMan; 22-02-17 at 02:08 PM.
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