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Old 22-02-17, 05:12 PM   #2243
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Default Re: Smile of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by ophic View Post
The law is the last thing you want to worry about. It's his mate doing the driving. Oh and you don't pick fights with men in vans. They're often builders or labourers who do really heavy stuff day in day out. With long heavy metal tools to hand. Probably no guns mind.

And the "defending ladies honour" thing often doesn't wash either. They can get offended that you consider them so small and weak that they need defending.

Point taken.
You have to pick your battles.

Therein the difference between where I live and the rest of the world.

Not saying it doesn't ever happen but unless it were dark and no one was around the driver would not
think about coming around the van with a metal tool in hand.
It's all the provocation anyone needs to shoot you dead and the shopkeeper at the store you are
in front of would not hesitate, er,
if someone on the sidewalk doesn't get you first.

In fact we don't take kindly to anyone joining in a one on one fight.
If you visit the south of the US and your mate gets into a fight, better let him fight his own battles.

Joining in a 'fair fight' may get you a far worse beating by the bystanders than yor friend got in the fight.
And joining in as the only one with a weapon and/or joining in against someone who is defending someone else is something one will suffer
dearly for sooner or later.
Possibly at the hands of their own friends.

As for the ladies, they are the same here now.
You'd better know they are in need of help or you're likely to get an earful as well.

TBH, even though this guy needs a good punchup, what I likely would have done in this situation is dismounted and
asked the young lady if there was a problem. I find this works quite well most of the time.
She says no and everyone buggers off in different directions.
Although his touching was inappropriate it was not violent .
Defusing the situation is often a much better solution than trying to give someone what they have coming.

"The Mountains are calling and I must go"

Last edited by BanannaMan; 22-02-17 at 08:03 PM.
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