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Old 14-08-17, 02:28 PM   #4802
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Heorot View Post
You have to start early with the independence thing. My son always spent his pocket money as soon as it was given and both me and his mother wouldn't give him anymore. So at age 14 he went to work on Saturdays on his stepfathers market stall to earn his own money. As soon as he left school he found a job and has never been out of work since. He's 38 now and wouldn't dream of asking me or his mother for money. My daughter learnt the same lesson from observation. After leaving uni, she wouldn't come back to live with either of us and preferred to make her own way in life. Since then she has never asked a penny from either me or her mother. She's 37 now.
Yeah, It's called tough love, does them the world of good. One of my sister-in-laws did everything for her son and daughter when they were at home (never asked them to help around the house or anything) and even when she couldn't afford it helped them out, even after they left home - sad to say neither of her kids (both over 40 now) has come to much (not a clue about money and the value thereof) as they expect the same from everyone and it just ain't gonna happen, can't help thinking they would have coped much better with life and been happier if they had been brought up like your kids.
2016 SV650 AL7

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain

Last edited by SV650rules; 14-08-17 at 02:29 PM.
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