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Old 17-12-17, 10:16 PM   #4464
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Default Re: Vintage film cameras

Yep I shot a test roll, it's got a great lens, I need to adjust the frame lines as they're off for close-up - they move with focus to compensate for parallax.
girasol by John Rodriguez, on Flickr
The sticky shutters could be a few problems. With the Seagull, it could be oil on the shutter blades, in areas you didn't manage to clean, that has migrated, or it could be the shutter ring is sticking again - the ring that opens and closes the shutter blades. If you mean it's hanging open then it's the escapement, depends if you just cleaned it or oiled it as well. The K1000 is a bit trickier, I'm not too au fait with SLRs. Pentaxes are known for foam turning to gunge, and in some of them there are pieces to damp the shutter curtains at the end of their travel, I think they sit in the shutter curtain tracks themselves. They turn to gunge then spread along the tracks. If it's hanging open then again it could be the escapement (wherever that is), or could be part of the the many levers etc. that aren't moving freely. Hard to say before poking around. I have an MX that needs some TLC (not my black one), some day I'll get around to it, but they're a different beast to what I'm used to.
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