Thread: Windows 10
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Old 09-02-18, 11:10 PM   #17
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Default Re: Windows 10

now i have had a few days to play i can say its better than win7 in some ways.

HDD to HDD SATA3 file transfers are faster.
usb2/3 thumb drives file transfers are faster.
for some reason video playback via kodi or MPC-HC is a lot better, sharper and cleaner.

now the annoying part, even though i'm now the administrator instead of a user account i still dont have full control over the system even though i have granted full access and taken ownership of everything. seems like microsoft have locked stuff down. in win7 you could do as you pleased given the above.

turned off full updates of system, virus and drivers to semi e.g. it should ask me what i want to do instead of automatic. so far the virus does.

dont like the new games, i play solitaire a lot and the new one is complete rubbish. same goes for the calculator.

dont like the default GUI so installed 'classic shell' which makes it look more like a mix of win7 and xp. which makes it a looooot easier to navigate.

TBH if it were not for the fact i wanted to use the netflix app instead of a web page i would not have upgraded. the biggest reason for the netflix app was to integrate with kodi which i have done but still to test with a remote control.
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