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Old 19-05-18, 08:56 AM   #1198
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Default Re: What have you tinkered with today?

When I fitted a Full Chain and Sprocket kit last year I noticed that the rear sprocket was not symmetric orientation e.g it could only be fitted correctly one-way and in this case with the Maker's idents facing outwards.

Placing it on the other way and it was not aligned.The one that came off was identical on both sides so it wouldn't matter which way round it was fitted.

Also on my SV I don't trust the adjuster markers for setting the chain tension.I set the alignment using a tape measure between the centres of the Swing Arm bolt and the rear axle so both sides are exact.

When you consider how many revolutions a chain on a Motorcycle goes through in it's life and the stress placed on them even a minor misalignment will most likely cause premature wear and put more strain on the output shaft of the engine I methinks.

My 10 Penn'th.

"Stultus est sicut stultus facit"
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