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Old 29-05-18, 09:10 PM   #1
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Default Tachometer for 1st Gen SV650 track day bike.

Hi Everyone.
I'm looking to put a tachometer on my track day SV. The reason being: to pass some track day noise tests I'm told you need to hold a certain RPM for the test to be valid. Holding the revs by ear alone is apparently not going to fly..
So, I'm looking for some guidance as to what use equipment would do the job? Specifically would any cylinder 4 stroke tacho work? I'm assuming some will and some won't (cylinder number dependant?). I've removed most of the original wiring but did have the foresight to keep the relevant cables in order to wire a tacho in (assuming the requirements are the same as the original clocks) at a later date.
I've sold the old clocks so they're off the table, in any case I'm looking ideally for just a cheap/basic tacho, with no added extras.....Any thoughts?
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