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Old 02-07-18, 06:50 AM   #4
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Default Re: Gonna be a lumpy ride...

I'd start by checking the two sensors in the airbox, make sure they are clean and not covered in oily film. Clean the connectors while you're at it, and any others you can get at as Bibio said.

While the tank is up, get some switch cleaner like Deoxit (or just a residue-free cleaner) and give the back of the TPS a good spray, where the plastic body of the TPS meets the metal plate. Some of the cleaner will get into the TPS, then work the throttle gently several times. This can help clean the sliding contact in the TPS of crud/tracking.

Check the rubber caps on the throttle bodies carefully for splits or holes too, one of those could be upsetting low-rpm.
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