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Old 09-07-18, 10:09 AM   #6003
Sir Trev
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

I have tried so hard not to put a gripe up about the heat but as Craigg has broken the seal... Hands up who else is fed up with day after day of 30 degrees? I know some of you may not have this issue but here in the Shires it is crippling. Riding the bike is a sweaty hell as I refuse to wear less than my leather strides. With all the liners out and vents open my textile jacket is not too bad but I just don't want to go out in it now. And my lawn is pretty much dead now, after all the effort I put in during April of scarifying, aerating, feeding and careful trimming. And my veg garden is looking threadbare as the plants that usually germinate and thrive in spring didn't get one (it went from snow to summer almost overnight here) so my yield this year is going to be paltry. Stuck at home for weeks job hunting has not helped as despite strategically placed fans it is roasting in here. Thankfully I start a new role tomorrow in what looks like a modern air conditioned building as I cannot spend any more time hanging out in the freezer isle of Sainsbury's as the security guards are getting wary of me. And don't get me started on hedge pruning in this weather - I have to do it in the evening when it's a bit cooler, which irritates my neighbours, but I have to get it done without keeling over with heat stroke!

I feel a bit better after all that. Will go and polish the bike now as it's not too bad in the garage.
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