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Old 22-10-18, 08:59 AM   #6469
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Stu View Post
You’re coming across as a really horrible person.
You are supposed to be the parent, you know, the adult in the relationship.
I never claimed to be a good person. My daughter is 26. I would like to reconcile but honestly as the years go by it means less and less. You obviously have not seen the email she sent, it was the most hostile, hate filled piece of writing that I have ever received. Six months after she sent it she asked why we were no longer talking, I explained about her email which she couldn't recall. I sent her a copy of her own email, asked for an apology and never heard anything since.

The reason she sent it was that she went to my father and asked for money for a car. The only time she spoke to my parents was when she wanted money and she never thanked them when she received any. This was not how I (tried) to raise her. I called her on it, asked her to stop begging for money and the email was the result.

If I am a horrible person then it's genetic and runs in the family, unfortunately. On the other hand I never had parents, teachers, counsellors calling my parents about my behaviour as a child, like they did with her.

I realise it's easy to make a judgement based on one brief posting and I don't take offence on your comments but there's a lot of history here, a lot of dirty laundry which I'm not prepared to air to indicate what kind of person I am or am not.

The fact remains that I do not understand why a person's last request in life should not be honoured if they are in sound mind.
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