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Old 19-12-18, 08:14 AM   #147
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Default Re: Quote of the day (sorry, Brexit related)

Originally Posted by Talking Heads View Post

I skimmed through this...a lot of Scottish accents obviously the SNP are unhappy because they represent a majority of Scots who want to leave and, to me, it sounded like an SNP wishlist.

I liked what Nigel Evans was saying (roughly in the 1hr 54 min area). He said normally the politicians let down the people but this time the people let down the politicians (by not voting the way that was expected). Never thought I'd listen to a Tory and not laugh, maybe I'm growing up or one Tory finally talks sense.

He also said that when sovereignty was transferred to the people via the referendum vote and a leaflet was sent to every household saying that whatever the outcome of the referendum it would be honoured it is too late to renege on that.

One MP said although her constituents voted leave she didn't want them to be poorer than they are now and that we should stay in/get another vote - very altruistic but makes a mockery of asking them in the first place and, they voted for her to represent them not to nanny them.

"Of the 9 organisations that are backing a new vote, 8 of them explicitly want Brexit overturned". (Nigel Evans MP)

...and then, there's this:

I cannot imagine why the EU would want us back - 17.5 million people who dislike (hate?) the EU - if the haters were a country they would be the 8th biggest in the EU. Of course, there's the money... I've listened to (non UK) EU voters and EU politicians laughing at "little englanders" and saying good riddance, but it seems they'll put up with us as long as we keep paying.
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