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Old 19-12-18, 08:58 AM   #148
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Default Re: Quote of the day (sorry, Brexit related)

quote from article in link below.....

In the days after the referendum, as politicians stumbled about in shock and Leave voters rejoiced, I remember my French other half saying: “It won’t happen.” He wasn’t saying it out of spite, but merely because he remembered what happened in France the last time the French were offered a vote on the EU. In 2005, the French people were given a vote on the European constitution – and voted against it. A few years later, it was pushed through parliament anyway by new president Nicolas Sarkozy.

yes the EU have a track record of overturning national referendums by bullying

And against the advice of many EU lawmakers that it would set a precedent for the future the ECJ came up with a ruling scribbled on a paper napkin during their lunch hour just in time for the commons vote in UK, now if that is not interfering I do not know what is.. They obviously did not need to think about it too much because their political masters had already instructed them what the result should be.

The decision by the European Court of Human Rights that the UK can unilaterally revoke Article 50 has had a more widespread impact than it has, perhaps, been realised in this country
2016 SV650 AL7

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear - Mark Twain

Last edited by SV650rules; 19-12-18 at 09:09 AM.
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