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Old 27-01-19, 07:08 PM   #6953
Sir Trev
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

All of the Deliveroo mob are now moped based. They used to be bicycles when The Monkey was a student but she gave it up after the minimum time as the customers were a-holes. You only had the delivery within a certain radius but people got wise and used a fake post code on their real street/house number - she often ended up a good half mile further than she should have but carried on in the hope of the tip, which was rarely received as it of course took longer to arrive due to the distance. Then the 'peds started arriving and the cyclists were not allocated many runs by the app as the 'peds were faster making customers happier.

There are a dozen or more 'ped delivery riders in Wycombe and they are a complete menace! They use bus/cycle lanes, cut corners at junctions, ignore one-way and no entry signs, ride with their (very cheap) flip-up in the open position which is not legal*, swear at you madly if you dare to remonstrate and fly off the pavements in their hurry to get away. I've collared a police officer and asked why they don't stop them and you get the usual "not enough resources" response, yet scamera vans are still out there...

A sobering thought is that a lot of them probably only have Social/Domestic/Pleasure third party insurance instead of the business use they need. I suggest you keep well away from the little scrotes.

*only a couple of brands/models have dual certification for open and closed highway use - the rest should only be used in the closed position when moving.
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