Thread: Zen Broadband
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Old 08-02-19, 12:28 PM   #7
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Default Re: Zen Broadband

I had a visit from the Virgin network engineer this morning to prove that I don't have a problem. At one point he tried to convince me that my two PCs might be causing the issue (assuming I have an issue). I have a win7 laptop and a win10 desktop, I suppose it's possible but Occam's Razor suggests it isn't likely (to me). It might push me to buy a new laptop though, so there is that.

I do see his point, though, because there are 900 customers on the same switch and I'm the only one complaining.

He left me his 350Mb modem to try since no one has swapped mine out. I can't get close to 350Mb/s though. Laptop maxes out at 100Mb/s and desktop at 200Mb/s (ookla test).

I was at the hospital yesterday afternoon and during that time BQM said my modem rebooted and the error log had zeroed out indicating the same thing yet his monitor said it hadn't, which is odd.

So, the area manager is coming round with the network guy on Tuesday to discuss what we do next. In some ways Virgin are their own worst enemies - the network guy admitted the call centre wasn't very good (he'd been there and listened in to calls) - they just follow a flow chart script, then I discover that they had been investigating my complaint for over a week but neglected to inform me. When I was a field engineer keeping the customer informed was stressed as being vitally important.
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