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Old 21-07-19, 05:28 PM   #24
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 83
Default Re: electric motorcycles

I guess you could claim that the average commute is 13 miles each way. So if the battery holds up 20 miles of the 26 mile round trip then technically the last 6 miles at 30mpg may well be close the 145 mpg total.

Thing is you can split figures to say what you want really.

Electric vehicles are great for long commutes. As others have described. The problem is though. None of the reasonably priced ones are any good at this currently.

The ones that are good at it are so expensive you might as well have a diesel car and know you'll be able to make more than two hours drive time in what ever weather.

I've often thought about getting an ev. But cost wise means I run a 1.6 diesel because cost per mile is roughly 10p all year round. I do roughly 18k a year mostly at 70 mph. Which ev are currently terrible at motorway speeds.

They will get there. Just not yet in the UK.

Norwich countries have made it work. But that's because of huge tax breaks. Making it more economical viable to have electric.
Until that happens in the UK Ev will remain a minority.
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