Thread: pay at the pump
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Old 22-03-20, 09:45 PM   #16
Red Herring
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Default Re: pay at the pump

Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
I was thinking of using PaP at Tesco - I have silk inner gloves - so remove outer glove and continue wearing inner glove before handling pump/keypad.
It's not about touching something with the skin on your hand, you don't catch a virus that way. It's all about transferring the virus from something you have touched to your mucous membrane (these are in your mouth, eyes and nose). This is typically done by someone rubbing their eye, picking their nose, touching their lips or eating something after they have touched an infected surface. This is why getting people to continually wash their hands is the most effective measure to stop infection. Wearing a paper mask should be effective because it prevents you inadvertently touching your face, however in practice people adjust them so often that it means they are more likely to contaminate it and lodge the virus right where they don't want it......

The virus can live for a period of time on your hand, but also on surfaces, hard longer than soft. Touching the pump with your inner glove may transfer the virus to it, which isn't a problem providing you take the inner glove off before touching your face. As it's almost impossible to take the second inner glove off without touching the outside of it with your other uncovered hand you need to remember to wash your hands immediately you take them off. Remember your card is still dirty, think about that next time you get it out of your wallet.

The safest way to do PAP is to remove your motorcycle glove and put on a disposable glove such as the ones they provide for diesel filling. Have an alcohol based sanitiser wipe ready to wipe you card when you remove it (and you could do the keypad as well if your feeling public spirited). Put your card away before picking up the pump handle. When you have finished peel the glove off turning it inside out and dropping it into the bin.
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