Thread: The Veg Plot.
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Old 22-03-20, 09:52 PM   #10
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Default Re: The Veg Plot.

Had a good day on the veg plot in the sunshine today.

Sioned and I were out there from late morning. We've sourced lots more well rotted horse poo, so we got a good layer of it onto the two lower beds where we hadn't already mucked. Left an area without though as the carrots are going in there and too much muck makes them fork. I just need to go and get a few bags of bark chippings tomorrow morning to mulch the bits we haven't yet done.
These two beds are ready for planting now.

Two lower beds ready for planting
by garynortheast

The larch boards I need were delivered earlier this week. These are going to be used to repair the top bed and build a long new bed. I'm just waiting for the timber for the posts to be delivered now

Larch boards for the new bed and repairs to the top bed
by garynortheast

This is how the top bed looks at the moment. Sioned and I have started digging out the weeds, but we can't do too much until the new boards are in place otherwise the whole bed will collapse.

Top bed - work in progress
by garynortheast

Sioned at work digging the edges of the new bed.

Sioned digging the new bed
by garynortheast

I'm going to grow the potatoes in tyre towers to save space, so this afternoon I sorted out where they were going. I have access to a large mound of old tyres: I have half of what I need but I need to go and get the rest this coming week.

Start of the potato towers
by garynortheast

We had the last of the kale today, before pulling out the old plants and consigning them to the compost bin. This is Sioned's friend Eli harvesting the kale for us.

Eli harvesting the last of the Kale
by garynortheast

Last edited by garynortheast; 22-03-20 at 10:26 PM.
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