Thread: The Veg Plot.
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Old 25-03-20, 11:20 PM   #13
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Default Re: The Veg Plot.

Busy couple of days yesterday and today.

The pear trees I was going to take out have had a reprieve. They're getting a last chance, so yesterday both my daughters went out and weeded most of the area surrounding the tree in the worst shape. It was falling over gradually and struggling for food and moisture, so it's now been weeded, soil loosened, a good feed of well rotted horse poo, and pulled back upright(ish) and staked. I'll give it a spray with a liquid seaweed solution soon and mulch the whole area with bark chippings.

by garynortheast

I have another pear tree and two apple trees all needing the same treatment, so that'll be one of the jobs for the next couple of weeks.

I have three gooseberry bushes which are starting to be similarly dealt with. I'm keen to keep these going as they are cuttings I took 23 years ago from a bush which was then at least 50 years old. They are dessert gooseberries; big, fat, pink fruits and very sweet. I eat them raw quite often straight off the bushes.

by garynortheast

I have a few of these growing under my fruit trees. They come up dead reliably every year.

by garynortheast

The bulk of the work today has been this. Finally starting to get the top bed into shape. The timber I was waiting for to make stakes with arrived this afternoon so we were able to make some progress. Tomorrow, Sioned and I are going to get one end completed first so the the rather tall broad beans I have in toilet roll tubes can be planted out. Hopefully by the end of the day we'll have the whole bed finished.
Sioned also put together the narrow bed behind the sleepers and planted lots of bulbs and some wildflower bombs in it. We'll plant loads of stuff in there to attract pollinators and predators to the garden.


by garynortheast

Last edited by garynortheast; 25-03-20 at 11:23 PM.
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