Thread: The Veg Plot.
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Old 09-04-20, 08:42 PM   #34
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Default Re: The Veg Plot.

An update on progress.

The three original beds are now all operational, with several rows of seeds in the bottom bed and broad beans in the top bed. I'll be sowing lots more this month.

Veg beds
by garynortheast

The leaning pear tree is now staked upright, weeded, mucked, fed with some wood ash (potash), and mulched, as are the gooseberry bushes. I've also planted in the bed, a fourth,
self set plant which I grew on over the course of last year.

Gooseberry bushes, pear tree
by garynortheast

The bulbs at the far end of Sioned's border, up behind the top bed are all coming through, although it's too late for them to flower this year. It looks like the daffs we transplanted
have survived too. At the near end of the border are a sowing of purple globe artichokes.

Globe artichokes, Sioned's bulb and wildflower border
by garynortheast

The potato tyre towers are all planted up. I need some more timber to build retainers around the platforms, so I''ll get that ordered next week, along with the timber I need to build
my fruit beds.

Potato towers
by garynortheast

This was the new bed a couple of days ago.

New bed in progres
by garynortheast

This is where I've got to by this evening.

New top bed
by garynortheast

It's taking a long time to dig it over as this is what I'm having to get out. There are five or six large piles of this stuff, drying out around the veg garden. Almost every fork full turns up
a large mass of bracken, bramble, and hogweed roots.

Weeds n' Roots
by garynortheast

All this as well. It came out of the top bed.

Weeds n' Roots
by garynortheast

All of it will go in these when it's dried out properly.

Compost bins by garynortheast

Hopefully, one more day of digging will clear the new bed, then I'll go and get another dozen bags of horse muck to dig in, and to lay in the bottom of some trenches I'll dig and
backfill, ready to plant runner beans over.

Still to do are proper footpath construction (essential on the slope my veg plot is on), fruit beds to build, rescuing my 2nd pear tree and the three apple trees, and a polytunnel to
buy and build! Enough to keep me well occupied for what could be a long haul under restrictions.

Last edited by garynortheast; 10-04-20 at 08:59 AM.
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