Thread: White lines?
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Old 06-06-20, 03:39 PM   #31
Red Herring
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Default Re: White lines?

Originally Posted by Dave20046 View Post
Love it when RH wades in.

Pop quiz on ped. (the bad kind not the worst kind) can filter the queue up until the vehicle closest to the crossing? A lot of people say you can't do it at all but I've always understood it to be the above in basic terms.

Cheers Dave, I try not to sound like a know it all but it would be a shame to let all the rubbish the public spent a fortune teaching me over the years go completely to waste now I've been put out to pasture....

Yes about right on crossings, it's the one closest to the crossing within the zig zags on the approach that's important. If it's moving, or stationery for the purpose of giving way to a pedestrian, then you must let them go over the line of studs first. The bit about being stationery for the purpose of giving way to a pedestrian gets forgotten by lots, so if it's in a traffic jam and only not moving because the car in front is in the way then technically you can filter on past. Obviously common sense should prevail and you need to make sure you can see if someone might walk out cos pedestrians tend not to look to well if they think everything is stopped, so don't go flying up the outside on the back wheel......
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