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Old 21-07-20, 09:08 AM   #8361
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Todays Gripe.

Rant Mode On.
**** Munchers on motorbikes - yeah a bit of a sensitive subject on a motorbike forum. Especially with regard to cycling.
I have recently rekindled my interest in cycling, mainly down to it being mentioned on here. I have started to cycle to work three days a week - 40 - 60 miles per day depending on time constraints.

Yesterday and today I have noticed that not all motorcyclist are nice. Some for a better description are **** Munchers.
Yesterday some ***** nearly took my arm off, by whizzing past whilst I was signalling to turn right. And today, just because you can overtake and stay in the same lane as there is technically just enough space.
Doesn't mean it's a very nice thing to do, all three times this morning weren't very pleasant being the cyclist.
I did laugh when one of the said **** Munchers nearly ran out of room between himself and the massive lorry coming the other way. ****.

So as we all have a right to be on the road - apart from cyclist riding two abreast down country lanes around blind corners, I still don't agree with that - then lets give each other a little room to enjoy what we are doing. It only takes a second to **** it up and maim someone.

Rant Mode Off.
Currently driving a Corsa....

Last edited by shiftin_gear98; 21-07-20 at 11:34 AM.
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