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Old 13-12-20, 08:27 PM   #8873
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: N W Leicestershire
Posts: 252
Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Dave20046
'I got vigorously ploughed from behind earlier. In the car this is, I’ve got whiplash and unbelievably there is no visible damage to my car so I had no intention on notifying the scum cartel - however my old man’s got me paranoid they may have wrecked the crumple zone under the bumper and if I get hit again it won’t do as good a job . I’m not up on cars, what do we think orgo’s?it was a 40 zone she braked about 2 metres away (watched her bonnet dive) from me so probably hit about 30mph.
If it’s a risk I might ask her if she want to pay to get it checked or go via insurance to
Cover the check/repairs.'

Was the hit 'square on' ? If more to one side then if as SV650 states re doors and boot gaps look ok then why not measure corner to corner diagonally? - both should be about the same obviously.
But if the hit was on the plastic bumper and that looks ok then you are probably ok

Another thing worth checking is the gap between wheel arch and tyre, again should be the same both sides.

A good body shop would check it out as you say but if the above all look ok personally I would let it go. But then I like an easy life.

You pays your money and you takes your choice however if you are injured and have suffered whiplash that may be a greater consideration. Injuries can take time to recover and if it means loss of work/mobility you should be compensated.

The few bumps I have had the insurance companies invariably seem to open with a 50 - 50 gambit

Last edited by redtrummy; 13-12-20 at 08:36 PM.
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