Thread: Risky business?
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Old 02-01-21, 01:43 AM   #13
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Default Re: Risky business?

Originally Posted by Red Herring View Post
....In trials the Pfizer vaccine was found to be 90% effective after the first dose and this improved to 94% after the second.....
Well, there are different reports it would appear. The BMJ, a reasonably reputable publication, would suggest different numbers (published 11th Dec 2020)
If as shown the Pfizer vaccine is only 52% effective after the first dose and 95% after the second, it would seem somewhat cavalier to suggest a significant delay of administering the second dose beyond the originally recommended 21days. I'm not aware that Pfizer have condoned the extension yet.
The USA authority CDC are still specifying an interval of 21days +/-4 days between doses (as of 30th Dec)

I'm suspicious of the vaccination rates being bandied about. If as suggested it ramps up to 2m per week but the interval is extended to 12 weeks, which conveniently takes us pretty much to Easter to achieve the 20million highest priority subjects which is the Government gateway claim currently being offered, then the second doses would have to start being administered at the same 2m/week rate after that. If the total rate hasn't increased substantially by then (and I doubt it will, but we'll see), then there will be no further NEW recipients for a further 10 weeks until all the second doses are completed. I think there'll be a class1 smoke and mirrors exercise at the briefings to hide the reality ............. until it's too late. I hope as usual that I'm wrong. If I'm not wrong, I can look forward to getting a vaccine sometime late summer.
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