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Old 22-01-21, 10:06 AM   #2011
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: N W Leicestershire
Posts: 253
Default Re: What have you tinkered with today?

Cripes out of my depth here too! Well Wester now has a 9 speed freewheel block fitted to the original Shimano hubs, (which run really smoothly) it has Weinmann concave rims which were the thing back in the 80s. Managed to re-dish the wheel after all this time although the spokes are not stainless.
I built it for cycle camping trips but now it used for less arduous day rides.
Hope the rear axle holds up ok as there is quite a length unsupported wheel to frame. (Obviously the new cassette system is a better design)

Guess it is a bit of nostalgia just like owning a classic Motorbike.
On Ytube the is a guy called Hambini - somewhat opinionated and foul mouthed but I have found his analyses of BB problems fascinating. Most are carbon frames and basically suffer through a lack of quality control with the hole each side not in alignment or under/oversized or not round but slightly oval. Hence creaking pressfit BB

Yep the old BSA still seems the way to go
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