Thread: Ball Park Cost
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Old 04-03-21, 11:55 AM   #1
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Default Ball Park Cost

Hello Org.

I have finally gotten around to sorting out my bike insurance after my off.
Basically they have written the GSXR off. And given me two options.

Option 1 - Give me more money than I bought it for, even though I told them what I'd paid. Yeah I was a little surprised too.
Option 2 - Give me £1200.00 less and let me keep it.

Now I'm torn. On paper it's obvious. Take the money and run.
However, if i do this option there is a chance I will never get another bike. My missus isn't very keen on the idea, and to be honest I'm not ready yet either.
Getting disfigured makes you question what you once loved. Plus I just don't think my shoulder will let me yet.

Or do I keep the bike and go naked - getting the plastics are what has written it off. They just don't exist.

So the point of this thread, as I am a clueless halfwit what ball park cost do you more enlightened peeps think going naked will cost.
Plus I'm thinking my shoulder might prefer a more sit up position now.

Light - plus mounting
Clocks - not sure what type would be a good idea.
Cowl to cover the potential fuglyness.
New top triple clamp
Riser bar

What other things have I missed?

Or please suggest more practical bike suggestions, as the GSXR is a bit of a hooligan.
And yeah I am already looking at an SV again.
Currently driving a Corsa....

Last edited by shiftin_gear98; 04-03-21 at 11:59 AM.
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