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Old 10-03-21, 06:01 PM   #9327
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

I have a neighbour who has too many cars and clogs up the communal car park. He seems to have 3 main vehicles between himself and his mrs. And then regularly has a further 2 cars, or more he seems to buy from WBAC/BAC to repair and sell on.

It's been going on about 2 years and the council have started to investigate - finally. As selling from the property/car park would be classed as a change of use of the land to a business premises (which he does not own, nor have permission for).

The investigating officer did a drop in visit today, to which the person in question cited they'd lost their job and this work was for some income. Yet he still leaves his house every day Mon-Fri to drive/commute somewhere in the morning/return at night . . . . .

Why don't people simply come clean when they know they've been caught?

Needless to say i'm continually providing this information back to the Council to get this situation cleared up. I do not mind if someone is running a business, however it should be done properly, above board and in a manner that does not affect others in a residential area.

And yes, he has been spoken to by other residents and myself before about all of these vehicles and the nuisance it causes prior to further action being taken. His response to this was to start parking the extra vehicles along the road instead, which takes up parking for other residents . . . .


Last edited by DJ123; 10-03-21 at 07:49 PM.
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