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Old 20-05-21, 06:57 PM   #9597
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by DJ123 View Post
People who post unhelpful answers on questions on either FB groups, Amazon, or other sites.

I don't understand someone who reads a question, know they have no helpful advise at all & yet still decides they need to let that person know they don't know. I mean, what is the point posting; 'i don't know/ no idea/ sorry can't help.

Do these people not realise this is the internet and the person can't see you read their question, so they're not expecting you to answer regardless whether you have knowledge or not.
In medieval times a village would typically be 50-100 people and one village idiot.

As we progressed and built bigger towns then the pub would be able to serve several hundreds of people but sat in the corner would be a guy who "knows things" and will tell anyone in earshot - the incarnation of the village idiot. We were relatively safe because the village idiots couldn't easily talk to each other.

Then came the internet and Facebook. Bam! All the village idiots in the world can now chat, build conspiracies and offer advice. The voice of reason, logic and common sense is drowned out in a rising babble of nonsense given equal airtime to plausibility and the truth.
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