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Old 16-06-21, 12:37 PM   #9727
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Sir Trev View Post
Next door is trimming his hedge between our back gardens when all I want to do is relax after a hard day. He has the cheapest, noisiest 2-stroke multi-tool imaginable (it only runs for a few minutes at a time before conking out) with a really short blade so it takes him hours to get nowhere. He has zero gardening skills and normally just cuts things down. This means I need to get out and use my quiet, rechargeable Stihl trimmer to do my hedge between us out front or he'll try and do it, leaving it a scruffy, uneven mess like he did last time (I waited for the family to go out and did it again).

Thank flip the blue tits have just fledged from the box beside the hedge he is making a mess of or he could well have doomed them. Even luckier is I bet he never noticed the blackbirds nesting in the hedge, or that they gave up a few weeks ago (probably disturbed by their wretched cat) or he'd be sealing their fate too... You don't trim hedges until the end of June normally for this reason!
Does it remind you of the smell of 2 stroke racing bikes though ?
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