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Old 06-09-21, 07:42 AM   #9981
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

My wife and eldest both currently have Covid. Thankfully they are both ok.
It has hit my missus harder than my son, but she's double jabbed and seems to be getting better the last few days. My daughter contracted it 10 days ago.
No idea where from as they are off school and haven't been out much as my wife works from home. She was fine after a couple of days.

So the fact my other son had it back in Dec, means I'm the only one in our household who hasn't had it. Yet!
I'm getting sick of daily lateral flow tests - my missus is making me do them.

My Gripe - The number of bloody phone calls from Track and Trace. As everyone in the house is a close contact of everyone else.
They must have rung about 8 times now. And you have to go through the same bull**** read out speech/questions again and again.
I get they need to do it, but when they have already rung and gone though it with an adult, surely their system should be able to say that they don't need to then speak to the same adult and do it for the other 4 people in the house. Especially when they are under 10. FFS.

On other matters, if you are double jabbed, legally you don't have to isolate for 10 days. But they would like you to. My wife and son are by the way.
My son is gutted as he's fed up being at home and wanted to go to school to see his mates (13).

Part of me would like to get it, as I could do with 10 days away from work, especially as I've now been told I have to wear a bloody mask all day whilst sat at my desk.
But seeing how it hit my missus, I think I'd rather not.

But I do like the idea of being sat in my garden playing with pup.
Currently driving a Corsa....

Last edited by shiftin_gear98; 06-09-21 at 10:36 AM.
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