Thread: Universe
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Old 13-11-21, 12:24 PM   #5
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Default Re: Universe

Originally Posted by embee View Post
That seems to be the way these days. It's a bit like the media (BBC) making the same inane statement every day about "number of deaths recorded within 28 days of " ...... blah blah, or explaining every time what the Northern Ireland agreement is. Yes, we get it, we got it 12 months ago.
People who watch science documentaries are generally interested and moderately educated in the subject. Wake up programme makers, you are not going to attract those who know absolutely nothing about the subject and keep their attention by playing continuous background music and stretching it out with arty-farty imagery, and it's likely to put the more involved folk off watching because it's so dumbed down and tediously slow, as Seeker says.

If you haven't got enough content to make it a one hour prog, then make it a 30min one and keep it to the point. It's rarely a case of limited attention span, more usually a case of giving it a few minutes benefit of the doubt before deciding it's just dross.

Billy Connolly on weather forecast dumbing down ....... "Here's a wee cloud.... "
I think the computer generated imagery on something like Brian Cox's universe programme that I watched helped explain things. After all, the topic isn't exactly that easy to understand.
ps if anybody can explain infinity ,please let me know.
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