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Old 11-12-21, 02:06 PM   #1376
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: N W Leicestershire
Posts: 253
Default Re: The Comedy Club - Think up some new jokes

The farmer thought his cockerel was getting too old to perform his duties properly in the henhouse, so he bought a young, healthy cockerel and put him out in the yard. The old cockerel says:
"So, you think you are going to take away my job? First you have got to beat me in a running race and since I am so much older than you, give me a head start."
The young cockerel gives him a 5 second lead and starts running, expecting to pass the old cockerel quickly. To his surprise, the old one is pretty fast, but he is gaining on him. Then the farmer comes out the back door with a shotgun and blows the young cockerel away, muttering to himself:
"That's the third cockerel I have bought this week that prefers cockerels to hens!"
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