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Old 31-01-22, 03:31 PM   #2
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Default Re: "Health and Social Care levy", or is it just another tax??

The plain fact is, if we want to have proper universal health services that are free at the point of access, that can cope with an ageing population with increasingly complex health needs, we need to pay more tax.

The systematic erosion of state social care provision over the past decade has magnified pressure on the NHS because often there's nowhere for elderly patients to be discharged to. Coupled with the loss of 50% of the NHS' bed capacity in England since 1990 and the loss of front-line staff, that's why the NHS is currently in crisis.

I lived in Denmark for 5 years, where the health and social care system is amazing - paid for by high taxation. And taxes needed to be high because of the small working population relative to the overall population.

Over here, I've benefited from fantastic, immediate treatment for my advanced cancer -- all at no direct cost to me.

So to my mind, we need to make a simple decision. Do we want to fund the NHS properly? Or do we want private healthcare as in the U.S., where insurers can decide to stop funding your treatment on a whim (as has happened to two good friends of mine, who would both have lost children if it wasn't for Obamacare)?

However, given the bunch of f*cking spivs and chancers currently in government, I doubt very much whether the H&SC levy will be ringfenced. But the NHS is not, and has not for some time, being adequately funded to deal with the demands we as a nation make of it.
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