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Old 27-05-22, 12:59 PM   #10655
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Originally Posted by Craig380 View Post
Most people simply ask that high earners pay their share of taxation, rather than being able to avoid it using clever schemes, and only grudgingly deciding coughing up when it wouldn't look good for them or their families. Yes, I'm looking at you, Mr & Mrs Sunak.

For high earners, paying the correct amount of tax for where they actually live and work is a choice. That choice simply isn't available for the majority of working people, unless you don't mind porridge for breakfast for a couple of years.
yes but why should they pay double over a threshold. if they were taxed at the same rate as everyone else then by definition they already pay more. after all they dont get double the services or take out the system with things like working tax credits etc.etc.

not everyone sits on their fat corporate arzes and watches the £'s roll in. some people actually work their arzes off and get robbed for doing so. for instance a joiner earning £70k is going to have to charge more to cover the added tax taken so it starts a chain reaction. never mind the rising costs of living expenses. the high tax is now affecting the average man in the street working his fingers to the bone to support his family and what does he get in return........ a lifestyle that HE/SHE has worked hard for.

maybe just maybe if the taxation system in this country was redone to be fair on EVERYONE things might be a bit better.
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