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Old 30-06-22, 10:59 PM   #10727
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Default Re: Gripe of the day - What is yours?

Need to get this off my chest. There was a programme on tv tonight about call centre chaos which was exactly what I have experienced.
There was a £35 cashback offer on my chromebook I bought in april from Currys store in York- salesman said they wait a while before paying it in case people take product back. waited and waited and then noticed other day somebody had handwritten on careplan brochure chromebook.cashback .com or similar - I went on to this website and it said offer had now closed- claim had to be made within 14 days of purchase . went into clifton moor store to complain -they just fobbed me off and gave me a number to ring . rang number and held on- was passed on through numerous departments , each with several options to choose from - eventually spoke to a person who said he would put me through to appropriate department - didn't do any good - finally was asked if I wanted a text message sending to my mobile giving the correct department to contact which turned out to be a webchat address ( which I had previously used a few days ago when they had promised to get somebody to telephone or email me regarding my £35 cashback claim,which they never did !)
My point all along was that it was never explained to me or written down anywhere that I had to make the claim. I assumed it would be done automatically by Currys. Bloody infuriating, and why can't the store sort these things out for you instead of acting as if it is nothing to do with them ?! ps there was a suggestion on the tv programme that some of these systems might be designed to fob people off ! surely not!
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