Thread: The Veg Plot.
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Old 19-07-22, 01:39 PM   #226
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Default Re: The Veg Plot.

Interesting article but the problem seems to be that the people operating a system which relies on profits as its motivation, do not want people showing genuine self reliance.

Houses no longer have gardens large enough to grow any meaningful quantity of food (unless the owner has enough money to buy a house with a decent sized garden). Most social housing built in the last 30 years certainly don't have proper sized gardens.

So many people now don't know how to grow food for themselves any more, even if they do have a garden, as many of them were never taught this skill through school.

Many allotments have been sold off as building plots, often for houses with no proper garden (oh, the irony of that one!), and there are long waiting lists for allotments. Allotment growing has to a large degree (but not entirely) also become a middle class activity, as, very often this is the section of society with the knowledge and curiosity needed to learn about growing their own food. A good many of the remaining working class allotment holders (again, not all) are of an older generation, from an era when many working class folks grew a lot of their own food.

The council house we moved into when I was in my teens in the 60s, like all the council houses on our estate had a good sized garden, and my parents grew a certain amount of veg.

Someone (I forget who) remarked that one of the biggest acts of rebellion a person can commit is to grow their own food. Sounds ridiculous? Not really when you consider the implications. By doing this we are reducing our reliance on controlling and bloated industrial food corporations, along with all the health issues of such an industry, with it's overuse of chemicals and antibiotics, and with the huge obesity problems linked to poor diets in westernised society.
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