Thread: running on one
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Old 09-01-23, 10:09 AM   #6
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Default Re: running on one

first thing you need to do is check/swap the plugs. take the plugs out and check the spark by putting it in the plug cap and holding the plug cap against the outside of the cylinder (try to hold it against an unpainted part like a nut or bare part of the frame) with a plastic/wooden spoon or insulated pliers. it should be a nice crisp blue/white colour, if not then either the plug is duff or the plug cap/HT lead/coil or igniter (curvy) is duff. do this with both plugs. or just swap the front and rear plugs if the rear stops firing then its the plugs.

with all models the RR connectors get furred up causing bad running problems due to not letting the battery charge properly. the pointy connector is a nightmare.

with curvy as seeker said its sometimes the choke plunger getting stuck.

bad card/TB balance wont cause running on one cylinder but its always a good idea to have them balanced once every 3 or so years. later twin spark bikes need an electronic tool to balance the TB's.

with pointys its sometimes the TPS out of tune but this does not let the bike only run on one cylinder.
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