Thread: running on one
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Old 20-04-23, 06:05 PM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: N W Leicestershire
Posts: 252
Default Re: running on one

Progress! After a short run on Sunday Suzy started spluttering so Monday I decided I would have the front choke plunger out if I could get it out (thanks for the reminder again Biker Biggles) so full of trepidation I removed tank and air box when I heard something fall - it was a tank retaining washer, luckily it missed falling into a carb! Thought must be my lucky day things usually go wrong for me, so rags bunged into the carb mouths and onto the plunger. It WAS my lucky day the retaining plate screw was a good 8 mill out, loose! So carefully removed the screw, plate and plunger, every thing clean as a whistle! Bunged a little grease on the plunger and spring and carefully replaced the items back into position then took it for a spin. A lot better but still seemed to misfire now and again but I did the long overdue oil change. Ran it up for its MOT today and it seemed fine so hopefully the end of this saga! That plunger and associated bits has not been touched in 24 years of ownership.
Must say it was a lot easier job than what I was expecting. Thanks all
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