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Old 11-05-23, 07:04 AM   #2
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Default Re: Drain fuel from SV650S (K5)

I am not sure I would but it would depend on how many months you're talking about. If it's less than 6 months I'd fill the tank and add a stabiliser, I don't think there is one that protects against ethanol but a full tank would reduce its ability to absorb water. Ensure brake fluids are topped up and check coolant level (and colour to see how fresh it is). Oil change, oil chain with gear oil (it's cheap and stops rust better than chain lube imho). Pump tyres slightly higher than normal pressure (2 or 3 lbs). Remove the battery and put it on a tender. If you have stands put the bike on them to take the weight off the tyres.

ACF50 (or similar) is a good rust preventative

If it's longer term, I've not done it so can't help. I would add when I was in the RAF (a long while ago ), I'd leave my (carb'd) bike at my parent's house (garaged) for months without doing anything.

One other idea is a vac bag - cost about £50 - put the bike in, suck the air out and you're done (I'm sure there's a bit more to do it). I know someone that puts his Harley in one every October to April and says it works well (the bag not the Harley, )

Oh, and welcome congrats on your bike.
2016 SV650AL7
2023 GSX-8S

Last edited by Seeker; 11-05-23 at 07:06 AM.
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