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Old 18-07-23, 12:36 PM   #1
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Default A ride in the rain

I had to go for one of my twice yearly visits to the rheumatology department at Gobowen, near Oswestry this morning. I opted to go on the bike rather than the car as it's three quid to park the car there, but there's a free motorbike parking area around the back of the hospital. There's also a covered walkway adjacent to it which means I can deal with getting kitted back up without ending up with a wet head in the helmet! (Oooh matron!)

It rained all the way there and even harder on the way back, but despite that, it was a perversely enjoyable ride. I think what made it so was firstly that it wasn't cold, but also that I wasn't in any hurry so my riding could be more relaxed. Most importantly though was the fact that all my waterproof kit is actually... well...waterproof! Gloves, oversuit, and boots all did what they were meant to do and kept me dry.

Simple motorcycling pleasures.
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