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Old 29-02-24, 04:00 PM   #2784
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: JAMOADR(1999 Curvy) 36,000 miles
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Default Re: What have you tinkered with today?

I pay my Road Tax monthly. I don't feel so much then

I've changed to using dielectric grease as an anti-seize on bolts as recommended by Boat builders and Aircraft mechs . Anywhere where there's vibrations Blue-Thread lock which contrary to common belief actually protects bolts and thread from seizing.

I never use anything like paraffin on chains unless on a rag as I don't want the possibility of the pre-packed grease to be removed. I use GT85 on a rag and then spray the chains and sprockets. I got a good 18,000 miles on my last kit and I reckon I could have got another 10,000 but decided to treat the old gal to a new kit with one of those rubber dampened front sprockets. Haven't really noticed any difference from stock but it was about the same price anyway

I spray all my control/gear/clutch lever joints with GT85 every couple of months as routine and use it to re-waterproof my Gloves/Boots and Jacket as well ( only do it outside as although I like the smell it is very pervasive until it evaporates ) :O
"Stultus est sicut stultus facit"
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