Thread: Hoodies
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Old 13-05-05, 12:20 PM   #41
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Rob S (Yella)
Have you ever been in a market when a gang of youths Hood up and crowed around a stall and start blatantly nicking and threatening anybody who interferes with a kickin.

I have.

My dad is a Market trader and is only ever robbed by hoodies or eastern europeans or eastern european hoodies. And this is regular even though that part of the market has CCTV coverage. They are immune to CCTV because of the hoods. Thats why Bluwater is banning them and I have to agree in principle. Thats not a total ban but in an indoor or public places and in groups then yes. BAN THEM.
If there's no security to stop them nicking stuff, who's stopping the hoodies going there in the first place though?

Just another example of a ban that would only restrict the rights of the law abiding but doing nothing to help cure the problem at hand.
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