Thread: Hoodies
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Old 13-05-05, 12:24 PM   #43
Posts: n/a

even tho i seem to be disagreeing with most people, i think its a good idea to ban hoodies. its not just about the people concealing they're identity, its about making people feel safer in public places. i'm not a tiny guy, but when i see a gang of 30-40 people all wearing hoods it does intimidate me. i'm not saying im scared of them, i'm just cautious because i know they're up to no good. imagine how a 70 year old would feel?

i dont think it'll really make a huge difference however, but its a good start to sorting out the chav problem at the moment. the next step should be 'serious' curfews (how the hell is that spelt). say anyone under the age of 18 needs to be inside before 8pm, anyone seen outside after this time and found to be underage would receive a hefty fine, repeat offenders would face prison sentences.

i cant understand the kids of today, they seem to enjoy standing in the ****ing rain, freezing cold etc doing nothing but stare at people why the hell arent they inside playing they're playstations?! given the option when i was they're age i know what i'd have chosen!

sorry for the rant, but i deteste the youth of today, they're going to be the end of humanity as we know it. just picture these people bringing up children of they're own
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