Thread: Hoodies
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Old 13-05-05, 01:04 PM   #50
Captain Nemo
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Flamin_Squirrel
They may intimidate you, but then so might hordes of chavs wearing burberry. You're not intimidated by them because of what they're wearing, you're intimidated because you associate, and maybe quite rightly, what they're wearing with the kind of people they are." edit

eidt "ban hoodies and they'll just conform to wearing some other peice of iconic clothing and we'll be back where we started.
yes, but at least you'll be able to see their faces, eye contact and body language are very important, if someone cant look you in the eyes then you feel uncomfortable as if that person is hiding something. if you cant see someones facial expressions this is also a bad sign, a lot of the time the hoodie crew try to look like theyre upto no good, they want us to think that theyre a bit whoo a bit wahey.

so in itself this becomes intimidatory even if theyre really charity worker happy clappers ( no offence if your a charity worker happy clapper)

Bluewater may want to ban hoodies and caps as it interferes with their security system.
a lot of shopping centres use electronic facial recognition to spot known tee leafs, if they cant see your face you cant get a pull.

maybe traders are worried that theyre losing to much stock to unknown thieves
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