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Old 06-06-05, 01:15 PM   #85
Posts: n/a

Had a great couple of days, kinda enjoyed the camping but next time I'll have a roll-up foam thingy to lie on as the ground really wasn't body-friendly. Tent was excellent, even if my nose was touching the roof for most of the night.

Was pleased to have met so many new people even if I can't remember who was who, and forgive me if I didn't say hello to anyone, I'll try harder next time.

Enjoyed the route, some great scenary and villages, so a big up to Steve and Leigh for planning the route so well. The first stage was a trifle slow but the second stage flowed very nicely and was great fun. The sound of alll those V-twins throbbing in unison was I think not only appreciated by us but also by a lot of spectators as we rode very considerately (I think) through the villages. And yes I did wave to the little kids .

One small little story that might bring a smile to your face:

As I was back-marker for the second stint I waited at the Tesco exit till everyone was gone when there were two straggling SVs not with the main group so I waited and waved them on quickly saying "oi get a move on". Followed them out into the queue of traffic and patiently waited behind them to once again have to wave them forward only for them to stick behind the car in front, so I moved up waved them on again even more impatiently and said "okay let's go lads", when they turned to me and shouted "er, we're not with the ride we've never seen you lot before". Oh well almost had another two recruits .

I'm looking forward to next year's ride-out already which I can inform you will be in Royston, north Herts.
