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Old 06-06-05, 01:58 PM   #90
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Rich
You new to this camping arnt you, I can tell!. Get an orange coloured thermarest, short length is fine. I couldnt cope with a foam mat, used an inflatable mattress then took a chance on a thermarest when I started camping on the bike. Excellent.
Yes I admit to being new to it, so okay I'll check out the thermavest but they seem mighty pricey compared to my tent which at £14.99 I just managed to get past Mrs jonboy's budget.

If anyone's interested, these blow-up-doll-mattress roll-up thingies are here:

Originally Posted by jonboy
I'm looking forward to next year's ride-out already which I can inform you will be in Royston-Vasey
Let me tell you, Royston and Royston Vasey have a disturbing amount of things in common. But it's okay if you're local .
