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Old 06-06-05, 02:08 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by Sythree
Originally Posted by exduker
and we were going a bit slower than I thought - albeit for understandable reasons with that many riders of differing abilities.
BH how fast do you ride ordinarily then??? I couldn't keep up, I was w-a-a-a-a-y behind at the back. The pace was too fast for me, TBH.
Ed. the pace of the rideout is the pace that you want to ride it. That is what the marker system is for. You have as much right to go on the ride as anyone else, and I hope that you were not thinking too much about holding anyone up. Remember, someone will ALWAYS be the slowest rider, this time it was you. So what.

For those that thought the pace was slow, well there was nothing stopping you working your way to the front and being a marker, this allows you to stop and wait for the back marker and then overtake and make your way to the front again, as demonstrated by Raf quite well. It seemed to me that every other turn point, there was Raf marking.

I think the person that probably had the most ardeous task on the day was Leigh. I'm sure that he would have loved to have been in the pack having fun. Well done m8 good job done.